Turid Rugaas is a groundbreaking and esteemed figure in the canine domain, globally acknowledged for her proficiency in canine language and behavior. Her career, embellished with over 50 years of experience, is characterized by innovation and a substantial breakthrough in understanding canine calming signals, thereby fostering more harmonious relationships between dogs and their owners. Her philosophy, rooted in an empathetic and respectful view of dogs, encourages an interaction that honors their true nature, promoting mutual understanding and respect.
Her exceptional contribution to the canine community has revolutionized the way humans communicate and coexist with their four-legged companions, establishing harmony and fluidity in communication between dogs and their guardians. In recognition of her remarkable contributions, Turid was honored by His Majesty King Harald V of Norway, who awarded her the prestigious “Badge of Honour”, culminating a lifetime devoted to promoting a better coexistence and deeper understanding between dogs and humans.